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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How Storm Damage Affects Your Home's Foundation

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

As trusted experts in property damage restoration, we at SERVPRO® understand the havoc that storms can wreak on homes. While it's evident when storms damage roofs or flood basements, one crucial yet often overlooked area affected is the foundation. Your home's foundation is its structural backbone, and any damage to it can lead to serious and costly issues if not addressed promptly. In this blog post, we'll delve into how storm damage can impact your home's foundation and what steps you can take to mitigate the damage.

Soil Saturation and Erosion

One of the primary ways storms affect foundations is through soil saturation and erosion. Heavy rainfall can saturate the soil around your home, leading to instability and potential shifting of the foundation. Additionally, erosion caused by rainwater runoff can gradually weaken the soil beneath the foundation, compromising its integrity.

Hydrostatic Pressure

Another common issue resulting from storm damage is increased hydrostatic pressure around the foundation. When the soil becomes oversaturated, it exerts pressure against the foundation walls. Over time, this pressure can cause cracks to form, allowing water to seep into the basement or crawl space, leading to further damage and potential mold growth.

Foundation Settlement

Intense storms, particularly those accompanied by flooding, can accelerate the process of foundation settlement. Excessive water can cause the soil beneath the foundation to compact unevenly, leading to sinking or settling of the structure. This can manifest as sloping floors, cracks in walls or ceilings, and difficulty opening or closing doors and windows.

Freeze-Thaw Cycles

In regions where freezing temperatures are common, storm damage can exacerbate foundation issues. When water seeps into cracks and pores within the foundation during a storm, it can freeze and expand during colder temperatures, causing the cracks to widen. This cycle of freezing and thawing can weaken the foundation over time, leading to structural damage.

Mitigation and Restoration

When you are dealing with storm damage, hope is not lost! There are a few things you can do to remedy the problem. 

Inspect Regularly 

After severe storms, it's essential to inspect your home for any signs of foundation damage, such as cracks, uneven floors, or gaps around windows and doors.

Address Drainage Issues 

Ensure proper grading around your home to direct water away from the foundation and invest in gutter systems to channel rainwater away from the property.

Professional Assessment and Repair

If you suspect foundation damage, don't hesitate to contact a professional restoration company like SERVPRO. Our experts can assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate repairs to restore your home's foundation to its pre-storm condition.

Understanding how storm damage can affect your home's foundation is crucial for safeguarding its structural integrity and preventing costly repairs down the line. By being proactive and addressing any issues promptly, you can protect your investment and ensure your home remains a safe and secure haven for years to come. If you require assistance with storm damage restoration, don't hesitate to reach out to SERVPRO for reliable and expert service.

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